Calcium and vegan diet Being on a vegan diet, calcium intake has been discussed so many times. I bet every vegan heard this neverending question “How do you get enough calcium if you don’t drink and eat dairy products?’ so many times! The truth is, calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in a…
vegan facts
7 amazing health benefits of hot chili peppers
Maybe you are a lover of chilies and eat them a lot. Maybe you are scared of chilies and don’t want to eat them at all. Maybe you try to avoid eating chilies because you believe that they may burn your insides. But you know what? This is absolutely misleading information and there is no…
Why Is 2020 the Best Time to Start Vegan Business
The old times, when vegans were publicly seen as someone ‘weird’, ‘extreme’, ‘crying for attention’ or ‘health-hazardous’, are forever gone. The public opinion about veganism and vegan diet is shifting rapidly. The veganism is slowly turning to be mainstream. More and more people have been discovering great reasons why to go vegan and make a…