Coconut oil contains up to 90% of saturated fats
All-powerful coconut oil
You have probably heard about coconut oil. It seems like it’s everywhere recently. Maybe you have coconut oil at home and already use it for cooking and other things around the house. But is coconut oil really healthy for you?
What is coconut oil, anyway? You might ask yourself. Why is there such a fuss about coconut oil? Why does everyone talk about coconut oil? What are the ways you can use coconut oil (apart from making delicious non-baked dessert)?
These are all questions you may ask before you start using coconut oil. It sounds like coconut oil is an all-powerful and super popular medium which can help from weight loss to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s. What is the truth? So, are you ready to find out?
What is coconut oil?
Simply said, coconut oil is an extract from coconut flesh. You know, that white soft meat (basically, kernel) inside a coconut. In shops, you will usually see different types of coconut oil, mostly refined and unrefined. What is the difference between these two? The method through oil is extracted from a coconut flesh is slightly different.
Refined (also bleached or deodorized) oil is usually made from copra which is basically dried coconut kernel. Refined coconut oil which is pressed in a hydraulic press is not suitable for consumption. It might contain contaminants and must be refined with further heating and filtering. In fact, a refined coconut oil has no taste or aroma.
Sometimes you can even come across ‘extra virgin’ coconut oil the gold standard for olive oil. Extra virgin coconut oil is produced by cold-pressing the oil. Unfortunately, it doesn’t preserve the antioxidants. It’s a pure oil.
Typically, the coconut oil you buy in a plastic container is solid and unlike other oils, it’s not liquid. This is because the melting point of coconut oil is 24°C or 75°F. A room temperature is usually lower than the melting point of a coconut oil. Therefore, to become liquid, a coconut oil has to be heated up.
Saturated fat
Fatty acid in coconut oil is truly unique and very different than other we consume. Coconut oil is a saturated medium-chain fatty acid. Fatty acid chains are usually between 6-12 carbons long. Almost all other natural unsaturated and saturated fats we consume are long-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil distinguishes from other fats because of its medium-chain fatty acid composition.
In fact, 86-90% of coconut oil is saturated fat. This amount is twice more than we can find in lard and 60% more than is found in beef dripping! Unfortunately, saturated fat can help raise levels of so-called LDL cholesterol. This process might result in a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
Some people believe that this big amount of saturated fat can be harmful to a human body and health. For example, some studies say that consuming saturated fat is good for health only when it’s consumed in a small amount and as part of a healthy balanced diet. That obviously means not every day.
In spite of this fact, the number of people buying coconut oil is rising every year. In the UK itself, the sales of coconut oil have risen from £1m to £16.4m in the past four years. The same is happening in the US: coconut oil sales were highest in 2015 when they reached $229m. This number seems to be rising since then, too.

Did you know that coconut oil has many health benefits?
Health benefits of coconut oil
1. Help with weight loss
Does it sound weird that you can lose weight by eating saturated fat? Well, coconut oil is probably the only oil in the world which can really help you lose weight in a long term. It is possible because of capric acid which is included in coconut oil. Back in 1985, one study showed very clearly that injection of this acid resulted in initially rapid, then slowly decreasing food consumption and then weight loss.
Due to some recent studies, medium chain triglycerides (MCT) found in coconut oil can increase 24-hour energy expenditure in a human body by 5%! This amount makes up for extra 100-200 calories burnt in just one day!
2. Decrease risk of Alzheimer’s disease
It might seem impossible, but coconut oil is a very powerful oil. Due to its extraordinary composition which includes medium chain triglycerides (MCT) mentioned above, consuming coconut oil can really help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease!
How is it possible? MCTs are digested in the liver. This process creates ketones. These molecules function as an energy for our brain which gives the brain an ability to make its own insulin. The insulin is important for processing glucose. People who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease lose this ability. The ketones from the benefits of coconut oil could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function!
3. Increase the ‘good’ cholesterol
Coconut oil is super rich in saturated fats (90%!). That probably doesn’t sound very healthy but the saturated fats are different than fats in other animal-based foods. Therefore, they also work in a different way and have a different impact on our body.
Coconut oil increases the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL) in a human body. Coconut oil doesn’t stop hear and it goes further: it supports a process of converting the LDL cholesterol (also ‘bad’ cholesterol) into good cholesterol! Therefore, by increasing the HDL ‘good’ cholesterol, the ratio between the HDL and the LDL is changing too. That’s why coconut oil can help promote heart health!
4. Make you feel fuller
One theory says that coconut oil is one of thicker oil. Therefore, it might taste ‘heavier’ and leave us fuller after eating a dish. Another theory says that saturated fats (MCTs) can affect the feel of hunger. It is linked to a way how fatty acids are processed during digestion.
Some studies pointed out that people who consume fatty acids in coconut oil eat fewer calories on a daily basis. That means they feel full but don’t receive food high in calories. Adding coconut oil to your diet in a long-term can help you lose your weight and make you feel fuller!
5. Control sugar level in a blood
Several studies proved that consuming coconut oil regularly can help control blood sugar level. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. It allows cells to absorb glucose in order to transform into energy. The cells of individuals with insulin resistance are unable to use insulin effectively. Consuming coconut oil regularly can preserve insulin action and insulin resistance.
6. Improve your digestion
Coconut oil improves digestion because consuming coconut oil helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. If you eat just a tiny amount of coconut oil with some omega-3-fatty acids, you can make the whole process twice effective!
Coconut oil can also help improve bacteria and gut health because it has an ability to destroy bad bacteria and Candida in your guts. When you suffer from Candida imbalance you tend to have a more acid environment in your stomach. This might result in inflammation and poor digestion. Consuming coconut oil can help balance the acid environment in the stomach.

Coconul oil can help maintain hormonal balance for women
7. Support a hormone balance
If you consume too many bad kinds of fats you might suffer from a hormonal imbalance. This problem can occur in women as well as men of all age. Coconut oil contains several fats which are able to support a natural hormone production of a body. Especially the lauric which is included in coconut oil can help maintain and support a hormonal balance.
Several studies have shown that using coconut oil can help overcome some menopausal symptoms estrogen levels. Estrogen is a main female hormone responsible for hormonal activities in a woman’s body.
8. Help to treat osteoporosis
Coconut oil can help with the treatment of osteoporosis. How? It increases an absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals in our guts. That includes calcium. Coconut oil increased the bone volume and works as a prevention against bone mass loss. It can help improve a bone structure and prevent from osteoporosis.
Coconut oil has the ability to fight dangerous free radicals, too. Often oxidative stress and free radicals can cause osteoporosis as well. Coconut oil works as a natural treatment for this health condition.
9. Help prevent and treat cancer
It’s not like coconut oil has this power to treat cancer itself, but it can definitely help prevent cancer or make treatment easier. How does coconut oil do it? Coconut oil can help in two ways. When we digest coconut oil, ketones are produced. These ketones contain energy that the body can utilize but tumor cells can’t. Tumor cells depend on glucose for energy. That’s one of the reasons why a ketonic diet could possibly help with a cancer treatment.
The second way coconut oil can help in cancer prevention and treatment is because of the MCT contained in coconut oil kills the bad bacteria in the lip wall. This bacteria can take part in increasing the risk of stomach cancer. Coconut oil can truly reduce the risk of cancer, especially stomach cancer.
10. Improve a hair and skin structure
Several studies have shown that coconut oil can improve skin structure. Coconut oil has the ability to moisturize dry skin in its deep structure. The lipid content of skin gets better with consuming or applying coconut oil straight in the skin. Some studies say that coconut oil is as effective as using a sunscreen. It can block about 20 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet rays!
The same goes for hair. Coconut oil can make hair shinier and better and healthier looking because it penetrates better than mineral oils. Hair gets better protection against external damage (using hot or cold air etc.). Coconut oil is chock full of the fatty acids that can improve these conditions.
11. Support memory
The MCTs which naturally occur in coconut oil can improve your memory and give you a memory boost. Consuming coconut oil can help us recall old memories and also exercise our brain cells. The MCTs are absorbed easily in our body. Therefore, the brain doesn’t need to use insulin and is effective to exercise brain cells.

Coconut oil can be used for shampoos or conditioners.
Many ways how to use coconut oil
Coconut oil is all-powerful. It finds its utilization all over the house. Starting in the kitchen for frying things or making desserts, through to use in the bathroom for a beautiful skin or hair or even using it for polishing furniture!
So, what are some great ways how to use coconut oil at home?
1. Cooking
Coconut is excellent when it comes to cooking. It has several uses in the kitchen. You can use it for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement for butter in making baked and non-baked desserts. It can be added to smoothies or protein balls and bars for an energy boost. You can make a super tasty vegan mayonnaise.
You can also easily make coconut cream or coconut milk and save it for a further cooking. When you make a homemade granola or muesli, use coconut oil instead of maple syrup. It will be as good as using maple syrup but less sweet!
2. Using for hair
You can easily make some shampoos and conditioners from coconut oil. You can also rub a little bit of coconut oil into your hair as a growth stimulator. It really works! Use it as a natural conditioner if your hair is very dry. Just simply leave it on your hair for several hours before washing (use a shower cap to cover your hair for maximum moisturization).
3.Using as a beauty product
Apply directly to the skin as a natural moisturization or add it to your favourite skin cream. Your skin will feel amazing and smooth! Make homemade lotion bars using other ingredients such as shea butter. Use it as a shaving cream or after shaving as a moisturizing lotion. You can utilize coconut oil as a natural lubricant too. It doesn’t disturb a natural vaginal microflora!
Mix it with salt and rub a dry skin on your heels. Coconut oil can be used as a natural deodorant. Just mix it with some baking soda! Use it after swimming in a swimming pool so you reduce an exposure to chlorine. Mix it with your tanning oil or cream for a beautiful and equal tan!
4. For babies and children
Coconut oil is great for making a diaper cream or apply on nipples after breastfeeding. It works amazingly against stretch marks during and after pregnancy, too! It is great for nursing moms: coconut oil taking together with vitamin D increase milk supply and nutrients for a baby. Coconut oil helps heal perineum after giving a birth as well.
Useful coconut oil
There you go! Coconut oil has many health benefits and several using to enhance your inner and external beauty! It is great for cooking and it finds many ways how to be used especially in a vegan kitchen! Don’t be afraid of coconut oil because it contains saturated fats! Remember, these fats are different than fats found in other oil and animal-based products.
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